加拿大多伦多成功留学移民Success Education Immigration位于加拿大多伦多市,公司主要业务是提供加拿大留学移民咨询和代理服务。Success Education是多伦多约克公立教育局指定的认证国际招生机构。公司针对学生自身情况,为每一个学生量身定制最合适的留学项目。对父母来说,孩子出国留学只是开始,移民安家才是最终目标。公司在海外跟进学生学习与生活情况,及时反馈给父母,对学生进行定期指导,用最贴心的服务帮助学生成功毕业并进入理想院校。加拿大多伦多成功教育,为孩子准备成功的未来。加拿大联邦移民顾问(ICCRC)成员主理精办加拿大技术移民,投资移民, 升学转校、申请学习签证及续签、美国签证申请、毕业后工签、父母探亲签证等留学生相关签证其服务支持团队, 向家长实时通报反馈学生留学状况, 对赴加学子在医疗保险、旅游出行、住房搬家、租车购车、报税及法律援助等众多方面提供相关意见与后续服务。

Success Education Group Ltd. is located in Toronto, On, Canada. We provide education consulting services for students who are interested in studying in North America. We also provide immigration services to assist families who plan to migrate to Canada. Success Education is official recruitment agency for Toronto York Region Public School board. We understand every student is unique. We recommend different school to each student based on their goals and strengths. Our services to students do not stop at acceptance of top schools, but we follow up with them closely to make sure they can live and study well in the new country. We send feedbacks about students’ performance to parents regularly and provide consultation to students who require help. Success Education Group helps students to realize their dream and goals, and well prepare them for the future challenge.