
  • 成立时间:1891年
  • 占地面积:4万平方米
  • 住宿方式:寄宿家庭
  • 年级设置:1-12年级
  • 学生组成:95%加拿大本地学生
  • 所在城市:安大略省奥克维尔市
  • 学校类型:加拿大走读制贵族私立女校
  • 学校简介
  • 学校优势
  • 课程设置
  • 申请材料
  • 学费说明
  • 地理位置
St. Mildred's - Lightbourn School

圣米尔德丽女校成立于1891年,经历了几代精英管理的的发展和完善,圣米尔德丽女校形成了自己独特的教学风格和办学宗旨,作为校训代代传承,留精华而去其糟粕。 学校针对女性特点, 订制了迎合女学生学习的课程和项目。 多项针对圣米尔德丽女校的研究显示,这里毕业的女生都认为自己很出色, 对非传统的数学和科学更有兴趣, 并且很少遵循固有的思维选择传统就业。 老师灌输学生不仅只是知识, 而是对新事物的强烈好奇。圣米尔德丽女校不仅在学术领域突出,学校先进的硬件设施更让学生在艺术,体育,科研试验,极限挑战等各方面都得到发展的机会.

For well over 120 years St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School has been providing the educational journey of a lifetime for girls and young women.

SMLS is renowned as one of the premier independent schools in the country recognized for our caring and nurturing environment our outstanding faculty our innovative programs and our wonderful facilities. Our graduates go on to post-secondary study locally and globally and during their journeys they thrive and make a difference because they are confident young women who know they can do anything.

SMLS’ strong academic program is designed specifically for the way girls learn based on scientific research on girls’ unique learning needs as delineated by numerous studies and current brain research.  SMLS is not just a school without boys. In a recent study Myra and David Sadker stated: “girls in single-sex school have higher self-esteem are more interested in non-traditional subjects such as science and math and are less likely to stereotype jobs and careers. They are intellectually curious serious about their studies and achieve more.” Our teachers instill in their students curiosity and a love of lifelong learning; our curriculum addresses real-world issues important to humanity; our students are encouraged to think outside the box and work collaboratively using technology and multimedia to study local national and global issues; our lessons are structured with meaningful cross-disciplinary integration of core subjects and instruction is differentiated to ensure success for all students.

1) 申请表
2) 护照复印件
3) 目前和前二年学校成绩单(中英文)
4) 2页的自我介绍(比如: 家庭,兴趣和未来目标)
5) 英语入学考试,托福,雅思或SSAT的成绩
6) 入学测试
7) 学校面试
项目                  初中 高中
学费 25300加币 (约合12万人民币)         26300加币  (约合12.5万人民币 )