渔人村高中位于Warden Ave 与 Highway 7 East 的西北角,就是万锦市政府办公大楼及剧院旁边。该校成立于1985年,目前在校学生超过2千名。建校最初的设想之一,是设立一个有艺术教育特色的中学,作为约克区的艺术项目发展场所。
渔人村高中有一项最值得自豪的课程就是Arts Unionville(原名Arts York),这个课程专门为艺术天分高的学生而设。课程中有四大艺术项目,包括舞蹈、戏剧、音乐、及视觉艺术(Dance、Drama、Music and Visual Arts)。
Unionville High School (known locally as UHS) is a public high school of the York Region District School Board in Ontario Canada. It is located west of the community ofUnionville in the city of Markham. The school is located next to the local municipal offices and the Apple Creek Business Park.
Unionville High School is most well known for its enriched arts program Arts Unionville (formerly known as Arts York). The school was purpose-built to house this regional arts program therefore it has enhanced arts facilities. Arts York is divided into 4 categories: visual arts music dance and drama. In order to gain entry to these unique programs grade eight to nine students are required to audition.
除安省中学课程外, Arts Unionville是一个为其四年的项目,学生要经过面试和评审,才会被录取。而面试或评审会每年定于一月的最后一个星期内举行,想入读Arts Unionville的学生,必须在会上尽情发挥自己的天份。获取录取,学生要在四年高中课程中,在其主修的艺术课程中,共修八个专门科目,即每年修读两科。